Well I bought a 4 year old Jeep, spent 30K plus turning it into an offroad machine.
Metalcloak 4.5 inch 4-link long arm suspension, six pack shocks, 38 inch tires with beadlock rims, and etc.
As the Jeep was completed the Covid Hoax was in full play. My work cut back and although my pay dropped my off time doubled.
What to do?
I found out about the Trans America Trail. Apparently some motorcyclist named Sam mapped out a dirt road from North Carolina to Oregon. Hmmm, now that sounds interesting.
I investigate further and learn that he has a route called "The Shadow of the Rockies". It starts in El Paso Texas, crosses eastern New Mexico, the Colorado Rockies, and ends in Baggs, Wyoming.
My best friend lives in El Paso, hmmm. So with minimal planning I grabbed my 7 and 9 year old boys and we made the 1732 miles from Tampa to El Paso in 31 hours.
After two restfull nights at my buddy's 12,000 square foot home (indoor pool, insane luxury) we got on the road. All my fluids were changed and I had a good look over of the vehicle before leaving.
We wandered East of town, found the start of the trail and it began.