1. Navigational Challenges: The channel leading to the river is shallow. I went through about two hours before high tide. The lowest my depth finder hit was 4 feet. It was mostly 6 feet or more. If you have a boat that drafts less than 4 feet come in at high tide and you will be fine.
2. Anchoring information: Once you get into the actual river it is deep. I hit 30 feet a few times when only 10 yards from shore. Like most rivers it seems to be deeper on the outside of bends than the inside of bends. I have not gone more than a few miles upriver; but so far my main problem with depth has been finding shallow spots to anchor so I don't have to put out so much line. As I write this I am anchored across from the channel to Millers Marina in 5 feet of water. Beware the 3 mph tidal currents. Bottom is mud and holds very strongly, maybe too strongly. I have set a trip line on my anchor as it was a struggle pulling the anchor up this AM.
3. Marinas and facilities: Both Marinas have fuel. Millers Marina has a good size basin to maneuver into the fuel dock. I had no trouble pulling in for fuel, pumpout, and etc.
4. Supplies and Laundry: There are two restaurants in town. The Salt River Shellfish company is the better of the two. You can drive your dinghy almost to the eatery. Just take the next channel up-river from Millers Marina. Then bear left and it leads to a public park with a boat dock. Across the street from the Park is the restaurant.
Right next to the Shellfish Company is an ice machine that gives out 20 pounds of ice for $1.75. The post office is a few steps beyond that.
The same channel that leads to the public boat dock will also take you to that most important destination the laundromat. Just bear right instead of left and you will come out near a combination hardware store and Laundromat and nearby a convenience store. The hardware store has some Marine supplies. The convenience store rents and sells videotapes of ancient movies. Ice was $2.41 for 10 pounds at the store.
View from the outside eating area of the Salt Creek Shellfish Company.
Historical Marker outside community center. The community center is next to the park where the dock is located and across the street from the rest of the town. 
The public boat dock is well made and in the perfect location to see downtown. In the picture below you can see the Salt Creek Shellfish Company in the background.
Bag Lady Lane.
You know a character lives here.
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